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The HR Star Program
It's time to fast track your HR job search with a proven strategy

Transform your resume, create your pitch, and revamp your LinkedIn for YOU so you land interviews with ease.

Inside the HR Star Coaching Program, access everything you need to attract dream HR offers to you and level up your career in 90 Days (or less!), guaranteed!

Imagine when...

You secure job offers from roles that you've only dreamed of.
You finally feel inspired, proud and fulfilled in your career.
You have a life you've always dreamed of.
Discover the exact formula to make you stand out from the competition and secure your next job in HR quickly...
Without applying to hundreds of jobs, or getting ghosted!

Let me guess, you're probably...

👉🏻 tired of applying to dozens of roles and not getting results
👉🏻 getting invited for interviews that lead nowhere
👉🏻 scouring LinkedIn for hours with no leads
👉🏻 spending countless hours blindly tweaking your resume

You need a proven job search strategy just for HR Professionals 

Introducing the HR Star Program: 
90 days or less to your next HR role

Ultimate Online Group Coaching Program and coaching 
support for HR Professionals looking to fast-track landing 
their next HR opportunity, without applying to hundreds 
of jobs or getting ghosted

👉 Accelerate your HR job search success 
👉 Discover how to impress recruiters 
👉 Master HR job search strategy 
👉 Craft a Captivating Personal Brand 
👉 Master the Art of Interviewing 
👉 Craft a winning HR resume that goes from ghosted to noticed!
👉 A LinkedIn profile that has recruiters reaching out to you from the hidden job market
👉 Cultivate confidence and a winning mindset 
👉 ....and so much more

Here's what you'll find inside the 
hR star program 

Unlimited Access to live group coaching with Irina 3x per month, every month, until you land your next HR role!

50+ video lessons (lifetime access) done-for-you downloadables and scripts showing you literally EVERYTHING you need to land your dream HR role with ease!

Personal Brand Transformation: Together, we will Nail your Career Story and create a LinkedIn Profile that allows you to enter the hidden job market, and attracts recruiters and hiring managers to YOU

Job Search Strategy: Access my proven framework that cuts the HR job search in half! My clients consistently get a 4-27x ROI on their investment-gaining the competitive edge to stand out from the crowd and land your dream HR job ASAP!

Interview Mastery: I will teach you my proven HR STAR interviewing blueprint, that will have recruiters and hiring managers inviting you to the final interview stages

Confidence Shifts: Tap into strategic mindset and confidence shifts, allowing you to articulate your personal brand, strengths, and accomplishments successfully 

Unlimited support between coaching sessions through the private Facebook community 

Plus These Bonuses Help you Land your Next HR Role with Unstoppable Momentum


I will personally review your resume to 
make sure hiring managers can see 
that you are undoubtedly HR candidate 
material and just what they're looking for.
(valued at $1,697)


Enter the Hidden Job Market and have 
recruiters reaching out to you with a brand 
new LinkedIn profile that captures the recruiter 
and hiring manager's attention. 
(valued at $499)


To set you up as a top candidate,

where together we will audit your
resume and craft your personalized
career story and pitch.
(valued at $750)

80% off for a limited time
Extraordinary Client Results from last year
Investment Options:
Total Value
Pay in full

$1,597 USD/
$1,997 CAD
pay in full for additional $600 discount

4 monthly payments of

$555 USD/ 
$649 CAD
flexible payment option 

80% off for a limited time
What you will receive once you join...

👉 Unlimited Access to live group coaching with Irina 3X per month, every month, until you land your next HR role!

👉 50+ Video Lessons (lifetime access) done-for-you downloadables and scripts

👉 Support from Irina between sessions through the HR Community

👉 Complete Job Search Strategy

👉 Built-in Access to HR Network

👉 BONUS: Done-with-you Resume Transformation (Valued at $1,697)

👉 BONUS: LinkedIn Audit to enter the hidden job market and get recruiters to reach out to you (valued at $499)

👉 BONUS: One-on-one session to set you up as a top HR candidate (valued at $750)

What HR Professionals are saying 

Kerry, an HR Generalist lands Manager, Director and CHRO interviews every single time she applies with her transformed resume.

Sophie, went from being a recent grad without HR Experience to landing her first HR job for $20K more than she hoped for!


Nikita went from job searching for 6 months, to landing her dream HR Business Partner role in 3 weeks!

Ankita landed her first HR role in Canada after just one month inside of HR Star, after job searching for over 6 months without any interviews.

One month in, Pragya loves being in the HR STAR Program!

Chantelle landed her dream role top Global Firm!

Ekta landed TWO offers within 1 month of HR STAR (previously searching for 6+ straight without any interviews)

Justine landed an HR role in 3 weeks

Aruj landed a promotion and pivoted into HR!

Narinder landed her dream recruiter role!

Anisha landed an HR role!

Samane landed 2 offers within 3 months!

Aayushi landed role within 1 month in a new country!

Sadhana landed a dream offer after 2 months inside of HR Star in a brand new country!
When you join the HR Star Program, the ROI is massive.
This can be you in a matter of weeks.

Let's get you from feeling stuck to your next exciting HR role!

You can either
Keep doing what you've been doing, feeling stuck and not getting the results you want

Use a Proven Framework to land your next HR job in the next 90 days, or less
It's your choice

If you don't land a new role in 90 days... I'll coach you until you do (FOR FREE)

By the end of the 90 days, you'll have...

winning resume that captivates recruiters and hiring managers every time, ensuring you stand out from the competition.

customized job search strategy
 that aligns with your unique goals and strengths, maximizing your chances of landing the perfect job.

Tools to nail your interviews,  securing job offers from roles that you've only dreamed and feel inspired, proud and fulfilled in your career. 

A key to unlock the hidden job market,  and have recruiters actively reaching out to you, opening doors to exciting opportunities you may never have discovered otherwise.
Hi, I'm Irina

With 15 years of HR experience, as well as leading Recruitment and Talent Management teams, I bring the insider scoop on the exact formula you need to do to get hired for your next HR opportunity. 

Yep, I've seen it all and learned the secrets of success along the way.

Throughout my career, I've had the incredible opportunity to help hundreds of people just like you. From securing those highly-coveted job offers to earning well-deserved promotions and rocking it in leadership positions, I've been there every step of the way. 

Why not you? 

So, let's dive into this program which delivers a rinse and repeat strategy for landing the interviews of your dreams with a captivating resume - designed by a former recruiter with a behind-the-scenes perspective on what hiring managers are  actually looking for. Think of it as your personal backstage pass to all the knowledge and strategies you need to land your next interview. 

This is the only coaching program designed specifically for HR professionals.

My ProVen Framework has helped HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE GET 

You get unlimited access to our live coaching calls, which take place 3 times per month, until you land your next HR role. That’s right. There is no time limit. I’m here to support you. You can join the coaching calls even after you land your dream job and are looking for support on onboarding or during your probation period within your new job. Because I know that everyone is different and has a different journey, I want to make sure you feel 100% supported in how to apply what you learn in the program to your specific situation. In these coaching calls, you will get your questions answered, get support for the job opportunities you’re working on, get a motivation boost when you’re down, and feel a part of the community. Call times take place at 12 pm EST on Wednesdays. You also have an option to submit a question that will be answered during the live session and watch the recording at your convenience.

I know that work and life can get in the way, so I've designed the program to be self-paced. You have lifetime access to all video lessons and course materials -- this way, you can access the topics you need coaching on whenever you need it, any time of the day. You also have group sessions to join 3x per month. I got your back!.
Not at all! The majority of my students come from all over North America.

You might be really excited to join HR STAR but you might be thinking “I don’t know if it's the right time"."I don't have my designation, or all of the experience, or maybe I should wait until later to begin..." If it's not the right time now, the right time will never come. You will be waiting forever for the "perfect time" which will likely never come. Have you realized that you spend more time at work than with your family? And if your career, this HUGE part of your week, is not making you feel happy, fulfilled and appreciated...How does that affect your relationships, your physical and mental health and the enjoyment you normally get from your hobbies? The longer you stay in a career that doesn't serve you anymore, the more you let it affect every other area of your life. And the busier you are, the more you need a step-by-step strategy to save yourself time and effort by trying to DIY your way to a dream job.

You've probably read and watched your fair share of job searching tips but yet, you're here. That's because tips are NOT the same as a full strategy and step-by-step implementation plan to accompany that strategy - made specifically for HR Professionals. Tips are NOT the same as having an expert guide you on how to adjust that implementation plan to YOUR situation. You can spend the next year trying to piece together the strategy and the plan, inevitably make a ton of mistakes along the way, miss out on months of fulfillment and pay that you deserve, and, potentially, still not figure it out on your own. Or, you can choose to invest in yourself and join the HR Star Program today to get access to the A-Z roadmap to success and coaching support. This way, you are guaranteed to get to your next HR role in the fastest and easiest way possible.

You will start seeing results immediately -- you will see huge mindset shift after our first session together! You will also log in to the Members Portal to see all of the lesson plans and be able to implement all of the strategies right away.

With lifetime access to the program, I got you covered, even if your situation is complex. You will not fail, unless you quit. That being said, I can't guarantee how quickly you will receive your HR offer. How long it takes to land your next HR role depends on your starting point, how complex your situation is and how quickly you start implementing what you learn in the program. I CAN guarantee that you will have access to all aspects of the program (including the group coaching sessions 3x per month for as long as it takes! My policy is "No HR Professional left behind!") That said, past students have received job offers as fast 3 weeks, and most 90%+ land the dream job in 3 months.

I understand that making an investment can feel scary. I know that enrolling in the HR STAR Program can make you feel unsure. You're excited, but worried it may not work for you. I understand--it's a significant decision and I know that investing in yourself can feel scary. Good. If you're not making this decision lightly, it means you're thoughtful. But are those fears getting you closer to your dream life? Here's why you can't afford NOT to join HR Star. The return on investment is massive. My students consistently get a 4-27X ROI from HR Star in landing their next role sooner AND negotiating higher salaries. Also, this is a risk free investment, as I am guaranteeing results. Because I never want money to be the reason why you aren't landing the HR role you desire (and deserve!) I am offering a payment plan option, where you can secure your spot with just a $300 deposit. You could be the next success story in a matter of weeks.

With a lifetime access to course content and unlimited coaching until you find your next HR role, your success is guaranteed. If you don't land your next HR Role in 90 days or less, I will coach you for free until you do. That's right. All reward, no risk. I am committed. We will go on this journey together, and you will not fail unless you stop. With so many HR professionals getting incredible results inside of the HR Star Program, I am confident that you will be the next success story.

You'll never be left behind or alone inside of this program!

You will have access to Irina in the group coaching calls 3X per month as well as the Facebook Community where you will get a response to any question.

If you want even more 1:1 access, you can upgrade to the VIP program and have private 1:1 calls with Irina once inside of HR STAR (hello, VIP Support!)

This is for you if you want to land a new HR role in 2024. This program works for my clients who are CHRPs, VPs, Directors, Managers, Business Partners, Generalists and those pivoting into HR or starting their careers. This is also for you if you want to land that dream job, and want support to show up as a top candidate! This is also for you if you've tried it on your own, and haven't had the success you’ve been looking for and are ready to try a proven approach.

Real people, Real Results. Begin today and you can see results in just a couple of weeks… 


Want to join 
but have some questions?
Book a 1-on-1 to discuss!


If you don't do this now, you.... 

You may be in the exact same situation you are in a year from now. 

If you could have done this on your own, you wouldn't be here. 

It's time to stop waiting and get that dream job, in the next 90 days!

How long do you want to wait before you land your next HR role? 

I can't wait to support you!


Copyright Irina Posan