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HR Promotion Accelerator

Ready to get promoted to the next level in your HR Career?

It's time to make an impact and fast track to the next level of leadership without the burnout

Whether you're looking to get promoted to the HR Business Partner, Manager, Director or VP Level...HR Promotion Accelerator is for you.

This is how high-achieving HR professionals get promoted repeatedly, earn high 6-figures and make a huge impact, without working more hours than you

You are an ambitious high achiever. But lately you've been... 

👉🏻 you work long hours but barely get noticed

👉🏻 not feeling fulfilled and knowing that you're capable of so much more

👉🏻 "letting your work speak for itself" hoping it gets you promoted

👉🏻 your confidence took a hit and you've started questioning if you're ready

👉🏻 taking on more responsibilities without the title or paycheck that should come with them

👉🏻 no clear path for promotion, despite multiple performance reviews
The Corporate ladder is broken.

You've been struggling to break past your current level in HR and land the next level of leadership

You know you can do the job, but you're not given the chance.
Every high-achiever wants a great career.
Very few HR Professionals achieve it.

Only 2% of HR professionals make it to the executive level...

Imagine when...

👉🏻 you're recognized for the hard work and you've got the title and salary increase

👉🏻 instead of spending 80% of your time on admin work, you're spending 80% of your time on strategic work that actually lights you up

👉🏻 you're working directly with the leadership team and leaving a mark

👉🏻 you're growing in your role and as a person...taking on more challenges that excite you

👉🏻 you find both balance and meaningful strategic work

Incredible careers don't happen by mistake. 

It happens when you have the right strategy.

The problem is no one taught you how to do it... 

Introducing the...
HR Promotion Accelerator

My transformational 3-month coaching program for HR Professionals ready to get promoted to the next level of leadership

Get the exact playbook I’ve used to earn 5 promotions, from HR Administrator to an HR Director, earn high 6-figures and LOVE what I do!

Discover my proven HR Promotion Framework

 A proven step-by-step strategy to qualify yourself for the next level in your HR career, before your company thinks you are ready

✅ Tactics to level up your HR leadership skills and demonstrate success and readiness for the next level

 How to quantify your ROI as an HR Professional and gain the unfair advantage to increase your earning potential

 Proven methods to influence stakeholders so that they become your allies and are excited to speak on your behalf

 How to demonstrate that you are a strategic HR Professional and deliver exceptional results so that prove you are ready to level up

 A fail-proof blueprint to ask for what you deserve, and get it! Including a proven business case for promotion, created specifically for HR Professionals

 How to guarantee your promotion, internally or externally so that you don't have to rely on your current employer

Coaching Value
Pay in full

$ 1,997USD 
3 Payments Of

$ 888USD
You've probably 
heard this before...

 There’s no way someone will hire me as an HR Leader if I don’t have the title yet

 This company doesn’t promote outside of cycle

 I’ve only been here 12 months, how can I ask for a promotion?

 No one is hiring right now. Bad time to chase a new role
That’s corporate B.S.
My students have…

✅ Changed employers during a tough economy AND doubled their salary! 

✅ Leveled up to HR Director and VP roles without previous leadership experience

✅ Got promoted outside of promotion cycle (after being told it’s not possible)

✅ Landed a promotion 6-months into a new job
What's the ROI of this program?

can’t guarantee that you’ll get a promotion and $30K raise, but leveling up 
your HR career could get you pretty darn close. (or is priceless?)

If you are tired of...

👉🏻 Working crazy hours and barely being recognized 

👉🏻 Getting false promises of a promotion, and seeing others get promoted ahead of you

👉🏻 Feeling lost and frustrated because no one tells you what you REALLY need to do to get promoted...

Then I created HR Promotion Accelerator for you!

What you'll discover

Getting promoted in HR when you don't have a strategy is HARD.

Luckily this curriculum outlines the fast track to your next promotion

Leadership Development: Bi-weekly 90-minute workshops (for 3 months) to discover how to demonstrate that you are a strategic HR Professional and deliver exceptional results to prove you are ready to level up

Group Coaching: Gain an unfair advantage through monthly live group coaching calls led by a former HR Director and certified leadership coach (that's me!) Leverage the secrets that I've learned throughout the last 15 years of my HR career to get promoted 5X

Master the elements of a promotion in a business case: Together, we will create a business case for your promotion to highlight your achievements and make your  promotion a no brainer for decision makers.

Promotion Strategy: Use a proven step-by-step strategy to qualify yourself for the next level in your HR career, before your company thinks you are ready

Uncover the 5 elements of an HR Promotion: Just doing your job will not get you promoted. Uncover the 5 elements required to make a case for your promotion, get recognized and position yourself as the best candidate for the role.

Win over the 3 most important stakeholders: Learn how to make the most important stakeholders your biggest allies with an action plan, scripts and email templates

Master difficult career conversations: Learn how to ask for what you deserve, and get it! Tap into confidence shifts, allowing you to articulate your personal brand, strengths, and accomplishments successfully

Secure a successful HR Career: Learn how to guarantee your promotion, internally or externally so that you don't have to rely on your current employer!  Increase your earning potential and learn how to generate and articulate off-the-charts ROI for your salary negotiations

HR Community: Built in network of HR Professionals

Plus These Bonuses Help you Fast-Track Your Promotion


 60-minute 1-1 session 

1-on-1 Career Strategy and done-with-you business case for promotion. This is what sets my clients up for powerful promotional conversations that get them promoted in as little as 4 weeks! (valued at $750)

Leadership Assessment: Emotional Intelligence EQI 2.0

As a certified Emotional Intelligence Coach, I will provide you with an EQi2.0 assessment and impactful 20+ page report and debrief to uncover your strengths and take your leadership to the next level (valued at $999)

When You Join, 
You'll receive...
 Live 90-minute Workshops (bi-weekly over 12 weeks) (valued at $8000)

✅ Monthly small group coaching and Q+A sessions (valued at $1250)

✅ BONUS: 60-minute 1-on-1 promotion strategy call (valued at $750)

✅ Bonus 1-on-1 Emotional Intelligence Assessment, personalized leadership development debrief and 20+ pg report (valued at $999)

✅ A community of HR Professionals that will last a lifetime! (priceless)

Live Leadership Development Workshops

💻 Module 1: Uncover the 5 elements of an HR Promotion

💻 Module 2: Win over the 3 most important stakeholders

💻 Module 3: Overcoming your Inner Blocks to get to the Next level

💻 Module 4: Leadership Development and Your Emotional Intelligence Debrief

💻 Module 5: Executive Presence and Communication
💻 Module 6: Business Case for Promotion

💻 Module 7: Mastering Strategic Thinking
Building a successful HR career is hard.

You don't have to do it alone.

I will guide you every step of the way, keep you accountable and be your biggest cheerleader!

What HR Professionals are saying about 
the coaching with Irina ⬇️



Hi, I'm Irina

This is the exact playbook I've used to earn 5 promotions to the Director level in HR

But I also know what it feels to apply for an HR Manager position with 300 other applicants and absolutely zero management experience. I know how heavy it is to be in the 'wrong' HR role and aching for so much more. And I know how easy it is to convince yourself that you're not ready for the next level.

So I made it my mission to empower HR professionals with the exact framework I used to scale the HR ranks and step into roles that lit up my soul. 

Before I was a Career Coach to HR Professionals, I had 15 years of HR experience, led HR teams and designed leadership development programs. 

With this, I bring the insider scoop on the exact formula you need to do to get promoted to the leadership level. Throughout my career, I've had the incredible opportunity to help hundreds of people just like you. 

From securing those highly-coveted HR Leadership roles to earning well-deserved promotions and rocking it in leadership positions, (to the tune of $750,000+ in raises!) I've been there every step of the way. 

If getting a promotion was easy, EVERYONE would do it.

Look around you.

Most HR Professionals have the same job for years and they never level up.

They get stuck for years…

Because they do the wrong things over and over again
(you do know that is the definition of insanity right?)
You get to choose.
The HARD way, or The Proven Strategy

Questions before you get started
Is this program for me?
This program is best suited for ambitious HR Professionals who are looking to be promoted to the next level.

This proven strategy works for all levels of HR Professionals including Generalists,  HRBPs, Managers, Directors, VPs and more.

However, titles are not everything... different companies have different seniority levels, so please feel free to schedule a call to see if this could be a good fit. You can find a time that works for you HERE 

If you want to level up to a fulfilling and challenging career where you get to make an impact and earn high 6-figures, this is for you. 
What if it doesn't work for me?
I can’t guarantee that you’ll get a promotion and $10K raise, but leveling up your HR career could get you pretty darn close. You will be able to take the leadership development skills you learn within this program for the rest of your career, and that is priceless.
Do I need a coach to get promoted?
No you don't.

However, you do if you want to fast-track your results

I have no doubt that on a long enough timeline you'll figure it out.
It took me 5 years to realize I was doing the wrong things! In 5 years I could have been dedicated to growing, could have added $100K to my compensation and could have saved me from burning out. 

This program is a promotion  accelerator. 

I've condensed 15 years of knowledge into 3 months to save you time, effort and frustration. You will eventually get to the top 1%. This program will get you there faster.
When does the program start?
We begin on March 6!   The sessions will be held on Wednesdays at 12:00 EST 

There are 15 total spots available. Grab your spot today. 
Am I guaranteed a promotion?
If you follow the program, do the work and implement my advice you'll be extremely likely to get a promotion or a raise.

It's not magic. It's strategy, mindset and execution. 

On average only 2% of people get promoted to the HR executive level. Everything I teach is geared toward making sure you are one of the few who level up fast. 

What I can guarantee is that you will love the program within the first 14 days, you will get your full money back.
What happens when the program ends?
When the program ends you will have two options:
1) Renew your enrollment and continue to grow in your leadership development 
2) Make the most of what you learned 

After 3 months, you will no longer have access to the coaching calls, however you will have lifetime access to all workshop recordings, materials and workshops. 
How much Irina time do I get?
You'll get to see me a lot!

We have 90-minute live group workshops twice a month and monthly career coaching sessions to ensure you get all of the support you need. Between sessions you have access to e-mail and community support. Plus, as an additional bonus you also get a 60-minute 1:1 session to use anytime throughout the program. 
I'm not sure, can we talk first?
Yes! If you want to chat to learn more and ask me questions we can jump on a quick call to discuss your career goals and how I can help.

Schedule a free clarity call here
Copyright Irina Posan